W-2 Form / IRS Form W-2 Example

IRS Form W-2 Example

Employee's information
Employee's social security number XXX-XX-1234
Employer identification number (EIN) 12-3456789
Employer's name, address, and ZIP code
Employer Inc.

123 Employer St.

City, State 98765
Employee's name John Doe
Employee's address and ZIP code
456 Employee Ave.

City, State 12345
Wages and taxes Amount
1 Wages, tips, other compensation $50,000.00
2 Federal income tax withheld $5,000.00
3 Social security wages $50,000.00
4 Social Security tax withheld $3,100.00
5 Medicare wages and tips $50,000.00
6 Medicare tax withheld $725.00